How To Live Forever With Rockstar Cardiologist Dr. Travis Batts

What's Good Revolutionaries? As we continue our journey on cognition, heart health, and longevity, my new friend and revolutionary cardiologist, Dr. Travis Batts, joins me to talk about the everyday things we can do to live forever. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes are the most prolific killers of men in our country, but we can mitigate these diseases by moving toward a more plant-based/plant-forward diet. Dr. Batts chronicles his journey, the insights he has learned from his family and patients, and how we need to take out "Meds" to ensure we live a healthy and fruitful life. Coupled with Turnip Vegan's "How To Save Your Life", this episode will revolutionize how you think about what you are putting in your mouth. One of my favorite comments from Dr. Batts is, "We have to think of food as we think about sex". "We must have a healthy, intimate relationship with it, only then will it fuel our longevity". What a great episode!


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